A woman in workout clothes is doing exercises for a healthy posture.
Special workout for a healthy posture
You should consider the alignment and posture of your body as something to be trained permanently. Proper posture affects just about everything you do: How you walk, run, sit, work and play sports.
Published ON
April 19, 2023

To improve your posture, there are certain areas of the body that you should focus on during your workout. Building and strengthening your back muscles will give you an upright posture when standing and will also allow you to sit correctly. You will also be less prone to injury when picking up or carrying heavy weights. Proper workouts for a healthy posture will help prevent common and widespread back pain that often occurs due to poor posture. Other consequences of back pain, which are seen as the most common types of pain in adults, then include headaches. Some of the causes of back pain may be due to specific diseases, but in many other cases, you can take care of this yourself.On an average day, we drive to work, take the bus, and work at our desks for hours until we comfortably plop down on the couch in the evening to rest after a long day at work. There's a common denominator here: sitting takes up most of our time in the process - and has a very negative impact on our health.

Ein Personal Trainer zeigt seiner Klientin während des Trainings in einem Premium Fitness Club etwas auf einem Tablet.

Research has shown that the damage caused by sitting too long at work can already be seen as equivalent to the damage our bodies suffer from cigarettes. So if the statement "sitting is the new smoking" is really true, now is the time to put a stop to the "sedentary lifestyle"!The right workout and stretching exercises will guarantee a healthy posture and can make a significant contribution in preventing back pain and promoting a healthier lifestyle. In addition, these components will have a positive impact on your appearance and how you relate to others.The way you perform will be improved by these simple exercises for healthy posture. Keep coming back to these exercises during the day so that these corrective mechanisms are implemented by the body quite automatically.Stand and learn to understand what needs to be corrected accordingly. Let's get started!

Are your shoulders, back of the head and hips in line?

If they tend to always lean backwards, then you need to activate the muscles of the middle of the body, the oblique abdominal muscles and the lumbar intestinal muscle. To do this, follow the set of exercises below:

Exercises with the ball: pull-in

Eine Frau übt die Übung Pull-in mit einem Gymnastikball aus, um eine gesunde Körperhaltung zu erreichen.

If your head keeps dropping forward or almost down, then you need to work on your neck flexors with exercises that improve your neck function.

Drei Personen führen eine Übung für die Nackenbeugemuskeln aus.

If you have a tendency to fall forward more and stretch your buttocks upward in a frontal tilt, then you need to work on strengthening your abdominal and gluteal muscles.

Leg lift

Eine Frau führt die Übung 'Beinheben' aus, um die Bauch- und Gesäßmuskulatur zu trainieren.


Eine Frau führt die Übung 'Crunches' aus, um an der Bauch- und Rückenmuskulatur zu arbeiten.

If you notice uneven shoulders, with one slightly higher than the other, then you should try to compensate for them even in simple movements in everyday life, such as: carrying bags or lifting things.If you slouch and your shoulders have a tendency to fall forward and be more rounded, then it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the back. (Try our special workout: back exercises) You can also try the following exercises.

Back-fly with the band

Ein Mann führt in der freien Natur die Übung 'Back-fly mit dem Band' aus.

Rowing sitting

Ein Mann trainiert in einem Fitnessstudio an einem Rudergerät.

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