A client seeks advice from a personal trainer on her basal metabolic rate.
What do our personal trainers measure and evaluate during your first club visit?
Weight, BMI, muscle mass, metabolic age... Here you can find out what our personal trainers measure and how this knowledge can help you!
Published ON
April 5, 2022

The path to sustainable health begins with a simple first step: fully understanding your body. This is exactly what our personal trainers (PT) are there for. During your first visit to the club and in the check-ups that follow, they measure your body completely - from the quality of your muscles to your metabolic age - in order to bring your individual needs and characteristics to light.

Eine Personal Trainerin zeigt einem Klienten in einem Premium Fitness Club etwas auf einem Tablet.

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Body Fat Percentage & Body Fat Mass

Fett ist fundamental, um eine gesunde Körpertemperatur aufrecht zu erhalten und die Gelenke und Organe zu schützen. Zu viel davon kann jedoch auf lange Sicht der Gesundheit schaden.
Um zu kontrollieren, ob Sie über eine gesunde Menge an Fett verfügen, messen unsere PT Ihren Körperfettanteil (den Prozentsatz an Fett in Relation zu Ihrem Körpergewicht) und Ihre Körperfettmasse (das eigentliche Gewicht Ihres Körperfetts). Sollten Sie zu viel davon haben, erarbeiten unsere PT gemeinsam mit Ihnen einen Trainingsplan, der sich darauf konzentriert, viele Kalorien zu verbrennen und auf eine gesunde und sichere Weise Fett zu verlieren.
Diese Daten werden Ihnen auch später noch nützen. Mit fortschreitendem Training werden Ihre Muskeln größer und schwerer. Auch wenn Sie Fett verlieren, ist es wahrscheinlich, dass sich Ihr Körpergewicht kaum verändert. Indem Sie regelmäßig Ihren Körperfettanteil und Ihr Gewicht messen, bekommen Sie ein klares Bild über Ihren Fortschritt.

Segmental muscle mass

Depending on your goals, our PTs can measure the strength of your specific muscles (arms, legs, and abs) to determine which areas should be optimized. You can use this information to create a customized weightlifting training plan. Subsequent measurements will help you assess your progress and identify and correct any muscle imbalances before they lead to injury.

Total body water

One of the functions of the water in your body is to regulate your body temperature and eliminate waste. And we need a lot of water: Experts recommend a water content of 45-60% for women and 50-65% for men. There is only one thing that helps to achieve these values: drink a lot, especially after exercising. Our PTs measure your body water percentage to ensure you are optimally hydrated.

Basal Metabolic Rate

Basal metabolic rate, or basal metabolic rate, is the energy your body needs throughout the day to sustain its basic functions. During the evaluation, our PTs can determine if you have a low or high metabolic rate and then create a nutrition plan that fits your needs and improves your lifestyle. By checking your basal metabolic rate regularly, you can fine-tune your nutritional plan based on how much exercise you do (the more exercise you do, the higher your basal metabolic rate and the more calories you need).

Basal metabolic age

Basal metabolic age is calculated by comparing your basal metabolic rate to the average for your age group. If your basal metabolic age is above average, this indicates a lack of healthy muscle tissue. In that case, your PT will work with you to create a training plan that focuses on building muscle tissue.

Would you like to finally get your body in top shape? Find out more about our personal trainers and how they can help you achieve your goal here.

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