Several women do yoga in a gym for World Yoga Day.
Sun salutation & more - 10 yoga wisdom for the yoga day
Yoga is a miracle cure: The combination of yoga exercises and meditation is good for body and mind.
Published ON
April 17, 2022
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They all have one thing in common: the sun salutation. The sun salutation - Surya Namaskar - is one of the most important yoga exercises. It is a dynamic sequence of multiple yoga postures to welcome a new day. This sequence of asanas strengthens and stretches all of the body's major muscle groups. Many yogis swear by this exercise: if you do the sun salutation regularly, you can enjoy all the benefits of yoga, even if you don't have time for the regular hour-long workout. A study by the International Journal of Yoga has proven the power and effectiveness of this simple sequence of movements. 124 students served as study participants. The subjects were divided into two groups: The participants in the first group performed the sun salutation every morning, while the participants in the second group did not do this for the entire study period and did not do any other sport. After only two weeks, the results were clear: The Students in the first group said they suffered less from back pain, were more relaxed and happier overall, and were able to concentrate better.

Convince yourself of the power of this exercise and start each day with a sun salutation.

10 yoga wisdoms that will improve your life

There are things, situations and feelings that are difficult to describe in words. This is how metaphors came about. And when words can't get you anywhere, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. In a discipline as ancient and complete as yoga, the lack of words is compensated for by practice. The knowledge that yoga gurus and their followers have gathered over centuries through meditation and regular yoga practices serves us today as a source of enlightenment that shows others the way. We have compiled 10 valuable yogi mantras, ideas and thoughts for you that let us see our own life and our relationship to things and to other people with different eyes.

#1 About impermanence

“Yoga is the union of mind, body and spirit. As in nature, everything in life is ephemeral. Yoga has taught me that I can heal myself by acting as nature does. That's how I fought stress and got through tough times.” – Tao Porchon-Lynch

#2 About healing and endurance

"Yoga teaches us to heal what cannot be endured and to endure what cannot be cured." - B.K. S Iyengar

#3 About balance and the now

"Don't put too much on your plate. Don't overeat. Don't fill your mind with fear. There is no tomorrow, do not procrastinate.” – Tao Porchon-Lynch

#4 About acceptance

"In order to be at peace with other people, you must first make peace with yourself." - Peace Pilgrim

#5 About the will to develop

“No one is born wise. One must strive and exert to attain wisdom.” – T. Krishnamacharya

#6 About gratitude

“Gratitude is the highest level of yoga.” – Bhajan

#7 About the goal of yoga

"The main goal in yoga is to clear the mind of confusion and stress and restore a state of serenity and peace." B.K. Iyengar

#8 Finding Happiness

“I have always been and still am a seeker, but I have stopped looking to books and the stars for answers. I've started listening to the teachings of my mind.” —Rumi

#9 Health and Happiness

“Healthy plants and trees produce abundant flowers and fruits. Likewise, smiles and happiness shine from a healthy person like rays of sunshine.” – B.K. S Iyengar

#10 On Success

"Do everything you do with your heart, mind, soul and intellect. That is the secret to success.” – Swami SivanandaIt relieves back pain as well as mental ailments. Like Ayurveda, yoga can therefore be seen as part of alternative medicine. From Hatha to Ashtanga to Ivengar and Vidya: there are many different types of yoga.

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