Before you decide to have a massage, you should be clear about the goal you are pursuing with the massage. Do you want to benefit from the relaxing and restorative effect or reward yourself after an intense workout? Massages can be used to treat stress-related symptoms and health problems such as back pain - also to support and stimulate slimming diets. Once you have decided on your goals, you are ready for the next step.When choosing an appropriate massage, consider its intensity. At what pressure do you feel comfortable? Only you can answer this question, because you are the expert on your own sensation of pain.
This unique massage is a top choice for those seeking both deep relaxation and healing. Using certain essential oils, the desired goal is achieved. The scent of a few drops of a natural, odourless oil creates a pleasant flair that can cure colds, headaches, lack of concentration, insomnia, fatigue and stress.
A basic massage that uses manual therapy techniques such as stroking, rubbing, squeezing, kneading, slapping, shaking, vibrating and a passive movement. All these techniques work locally to improve the overall condition of the body. Depending on the technique used, classical massage can have a therapeutic, relaxing and stimulating effect.
Performed with the help of special stones made of volcanic rock that, after being heated, release heat over a long period of time. Depending on the need, it can have a soothing or relaxing effect or help heal conditions such as arthritis. Especially recommended in autumn and winter.
A massage to improve lymphatic and blood circulation and eliminate oedema. It supports healing after the removal of the breast and lymph nodes and is a real insider tip in the fight against cellulite. Often recommended for disorders of fluid and mineral supply as well as for people with swelling of the limbs. A massage is not only relaxing, but also extremely beneficial for the body's functions. Take the first step and choose the perfect massage for your needs. You are welcome to try some forms of massage in our spa.