Açaí berries hang on a branch in nature.
The açai berry, slimming and antiaging.
Açaí - one of the most famous superfoods is all the rage, and there are many good reasons for that. Açaí's popularity doesn't come from anywhere: this incredibly healthy, small purple berry has an enormous number of benefits for your beauty, health and for nutrition.
Published ON
April 20, 2022

Great for detoxifying the body and rich in antioxidants, the berries help maintain beautiful skin and reduce signs of aging. They also improve stamina and help maintain a healthy body by improving the circulatory system, lowering cholesterol and aiding digestion.Açaí berries are native to the Amazon rainforest in Brazil and are known for their weight loss properties. The small superfruits improve bone health and strength and reduce fatigue. You can try them For a stunningly refreshing and great recipe, try Stacey's Blackberry Açaí Sorbet on Goodnessis.com.A beautifully colored blackberry sorbet to celebrate the season, paired with the benefits of açaí berries-an unbeatable recipe for healthy eating!

Ein Personal Trainer zeigt seiner Klientin während des Trainings in einem Premium Fitness Club etwas auf einem Tablet.

Blackberry- Açaí sorbet (as a popsicle)

Acai is a rich, deep purple fruit whose shape somewhat resembles that of the grape. These berries have a mild, chocolaty berry sweetness and grow in large clusters on a particular type of palm tree in the Amazon. Each açaí berry contains only 10% fruit and pulp and a long seed that is not edible. That is why harvesting this fruit seems somewhat laborious, as the tree has no branches and each cluster of berries must be cut and picked from the very top to preserve the fruit and pulp.There are three basic ways to prepare açaí for a recipe: Açaí powder, Açaí juice, and Açaí frozen smoothie packets. For this recipe, I used the powder, which is easier to get and was immediately freeze-dried to preserve the active components. Therefore, it is not overly processed. You can add the powder to smoothies, juices, and homemade ice cream, or sprinkle it on your morning cereal and add it to raw delicacies.There are antioxidants, amino acids, fiber, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals in the high-quality pulp and skin that make the fruit a perfect source of energy for your diet. Antioxidant levels are increased to fight harmful free radicals, boost energy, support the immune system and promote healthy digestion.This blackberry açaí ice cream is a natural, sweet and healthy treat that will keep your body well-fed and nourished.


Brombeer- Açaí -Eiscreme am Stiel liegt auf einem Gartentisch.

For 9 small portions

If you don't have blackberries, feel free to use other types of berries, such as blueberries, raspberries or even strawberries. For a creamier sorbet, replace the apple juice with coconut cream by freezing a can of coconut milk or spooning the white thick cream out the top.

  • 3 cups fresh blackberries, washed
  • 2 medium ripe frozen bananas
  • ½ cup unsweetened apple juice or fruit juice of your choice
  • 2 tsp açaí powder
  • 2 tablespoons natural sweetener of choice (coconut sugar, maple syrup or honey)

Wash berries and blend in a powerful blender or food processor together with the frozen bananas, apple juice and açaí powder. Blend until everything is smooth and creamy. You can occasionally interrupt to press the fruit down with a rubber spatula. Then taste and add sweetener if necessary. Blend again to make sure the sweetness is well absorbed into the mixture.Spoon into ice cream container and either freeze or enjoy immediately.

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