Various fruits and vegetables, healthy fillers, lie on a white background.
10 quick and easy tips - healthy filling foods with few calories
And chocolate, burgers and pizza are always tempting. Suddenly it is there, the unpredictable cravings and leads us into the fateful temptation of high-calorie nutrition. On the other hand, foods that fill you up quickly and for a long time help. Often high in fiber and protein, they are great for weight loss and serve as a tonic source of energy for the body and mind. Here are healthy fillers with few calories.
Published ON
March 29, 2022

Prevent cravings with healthy snacks - it's possible!

Healthy fillers are bulkier but lower in calories. And yet they last a long time. They fill the empty hole in the stomach without the risk of a radical rise in blood sugar levels and are therefore ideal for weight loss. They replace unhealthy and often high-calorie snacks and lavish portions of fat that are heavy on the stomach.

The secret of healthy, filling foods

Nothing beats protein! Foods that contain a lot of protein promote energy conversion. It doesn't get stuck in the body unnecessarily and it doesn't accumulate excessively in fat stores. Fiber has a similar positive effect on weight loss. They aid digestion and are not stored in the body. They are particularly low in calories, but expand the stomach so much that you quickly feel full.

Eine Person hält ein Smartphone und bedient eine Ernährungsberatungsapp, während sich im Hintergrund verschiedene Lebensmittel befinden.

Our top 10 healthy fillers:

1. Flaky and Fizzy

There is no question that oatmeal is an essential part of a healthy diet. If you eat nutritious and balanced food in the morning, you will get through the day well-nourished and in top shape. Oatmeal has long been more than just slimy porridge. They are now available in the form of deliciously warm porridge in all flavors, as practical overnight oats or in delicious muesli combinations with fruit and yoghurt. Oatmeal contains a lot of protein, fiber and valuable vitamins. Simply unbeatable, the small power flakes.

2. The magic 5

It should be at least five portions of fruit and vegetables distributed throughout the day. If you follow this rule of thumb, you live healthier and fuller. The trick is: Vegetables are very low in calories and often high in water. Cucumber sticks with herbal quark can be used as a light and filling snack in the evening. Anyone who is too lazy to chop can buy sliced ​​fruit, which is now offered in almost all supermarkets and also by many bakers as a healthy alternative to cakes and tarts.

3. Green mix

Green smoothies as a power breakfast - it couldn't be healthier. Because the green juices have everything that is needed for a full meal. They keep the blood sugar level high for a long time and thus the feeling of satiety long enough. The best ingredients are avocados, bananas, spinach, kale and kiwis. These can be pureed with milk, chia seeds or pineapple juice, depending on taste preferences. The result is a nutritious drink that keeps you full forever.

4. Pasta doesn't have to be a no-go!

Everyone knows the irrepressible desire for pasta and the bad conscience afterwards. Because the high-carbohydrate food really packs a punch. Now comes the good news for everyone for whom pasta is one of their favorite dishes: the whole grain version is healthy. Because whole grain pasta fills you up faster than conventional pasta, lasts longer and still tastes just as good. Pasta va bene!

5. A banana in between is always good

Bananas are the ideal fruit for in between meals and on the go. They are extremely rich in nutrients and are considered to be a top source of energy. And unlike coffee or biscuits, they are healthy and long-lasting because of their high fiber content. It's no longer a secret that bananas are also good for digestion. Their taste is incomparably unique.

Mehrere reife Bananen liegen übereinander.

6. Insider tip of the stars and starlets

Supermodels swear by it: If you nibble on carrots and celery instead of eating sugary chocolate bars, you can avoid attacks on sweets in the long term. Chewing carrots for a long time also helps to quell sudden cravings in a healthy way. The contained dietary fiber pectin swells wonderfully in the stomach and the well-known beta-carotene is good for the eyesight. Carrots are always delicious because of their sweetness.

7. You got the Power

Cottage cheese, as a particularly low-calorie and protein-rich cheese, like quark, is the ultimate satiating agent. Protein-rich foods are particularly suitable for weight loss and a long-lasting feeling of satiety in the evening. Those who rely on cheese, quark and yoghurt can eat with a clear conscience and go to bed with a healthy, full stomach.

8.Fruits that have it all

Beans, peas and lentils don't just make your butt grin. They drive away unwanted cravings and are irreplaceable protein suppliers. There are now numerous innovative recipes with the healthy legumes that have long written off their bad reputation as boring foods. Especially the now popular chickpeas taste incomparably delicious as a puree or as a filling salad.

9. On your marks, nibble, go!

Nuts have a very high energy density. The small treats for in between fill you up for a long time and have a positive effect on your ability to concentrate. They give you power and are therefore particularly suitable as a snack tool. However, unsalted and unroasted nuts should preferably be consumed for a healthy kick, as the healthy fatty acids are better preserved in these.

10. The super tuber

Contrary to popular belief, potatoes are not fattening, but rather rich in precious fiber and perfect for anyone who wants to lose a few pounds. The potato is considered a real classic among healthy fillers because it is very low in calories. Unless consumed in the form of chips, fries, or gnocchi, the potato is always a good choice.

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