Various vessels with homemade kefir lemonade are on a garden table as a recipe for good digestion.
Kefir is a healthy superfood for your digestion
Fermented foods have been part of the human diet for a very long time and have been rediscovered for a wide variety of recipes due to their healing and nutritious properties. In this group of fermented foods, yogurt and kefir are the only probiotic foods.
Published ON
April 13, 2022
Verschiedenes gedünstetes Gemüse, sowie Brokkoli und Süßkartoffeln werden von zwei Personen an einem Esstisch verzehrt.
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This means that they contain healthy microbes that fight infection, maintain a healthy digestive system, keep the body away from disease, reduce the risk of gastroenteritis and some types of cancer (including colon cancer) and cardiovascular disease.Yogurt as a superfood can also reduce the risk of allergies, increase antibody levels and strengthen the immune system. Yogurt is essentially made from bacteria found in fresh milk, which thickens it and acts as a preservative in it. These bacteria vary, and so do the types of yogurt they produce. You can make your own yogurt at home by combining milk with bacteria in a starter culture. Water kefir, also known as Japanese crystals, are small clear, jelly-like balls derived from the prickly pear cactus. The so-called "grains" are colonies of yeast and bacteria that look like cottage cheese and are strained out after fermentation. Then you start the next game. The grains grow and multiply in number after some time. You can either throw the excess in the compost or give it to your friends. However, you don't necessarily have to eat yogurt to get all of the healthy nutritional benefits of kefir. Check out this recipe by Stacey on for a different way to prepare and enjoy your kefir.

Kefir water

Water kefir grains go through one or, for a more flavorful drink, two stages of fermentation. The first phase lasts 48 hours and then the grains are strained - what remains is an average fermented water. This creates bubbles and the kefir grains convert the added sugar into good and healthy bacteria. For an even tastier and more fermented drink, add your favorite fruit and ferment for another 12-24 hours. Once the flavors have been added, the result is a fruity, bubbly, deliciously fermented water full of probiotic 'gut healers' and good nutritional bacteria. During the spring/summer period you can also flavor your drink with fresh strawberries, raspberries, rhubarb or peaches refine. Plums, pears, apples or grapes are suitable for this during autumn and winter. Preparing it is easy and fun!

There are two important things to consider before you begin:
  1. The basic ratio of sugar to water to the kefir grains and starter is important. See below.
  2. Bowls, bottles and all other utensils must be sterilized with hot water and very important: do not touch the kefir grains with any kind of metal - metal will damage the grains! Always use plastic or glass for spoons, strainers, and bowls
Eine Wasser-Kefir-Himbeeren-Limonade steht fertig zubereitet auf einem Tisch.

Water Kefir Raspberry Lemonade- a simple & refreshing probiotic soda

for 4 cups

  • 1 liter jar/bowl
  • Cheesecloth/thin tea towel & elastic band
  • Plastic/wooden spoon
  • 1 plastic strainer
  • 1 liter jar with lid
Ingredients for the first fermentation:
  • 1 litre/4 cups of filtered water
  • ⅓ cup /55g organic raw cane sugar
  • ¼ squeezed lemon
  • 1 - 2 (25g) dried figs/prunes/sultanas/dates
  • 3 tbsp active kefir grains
Ingredients for the aroma/second fermentation:
  • 1 cup fresh raspberries
Preparation of the first fermentation:

4 cups of filtered water are poured into the vessel. Then add the sugar & lemon (the lemon serves to acidify your culture & enhance the flavor) and stir using a wooden or plastic spatula until the sugar is almost completely dissolved. Stir in the kefir grains and the dried fruit (the dried fruit provides nitrogen for growth), stir slightly and cover with a thin cloth or cheesecloth and seal with a rubber band. (You want the kefir grains to be able to breathe and for carbon dioxide to escape. Leave the kefir grains on your counter for 48 hours/2 days - in winter this might take longer than in summer. After 48 hours your kefir will be lightly fermented and can be sealed, frozen & drunk as is For a more flavorful drink ferment a second time - see below.

Second fermentation:

Wash the whole raspberries and place in a clean, sterilized 1 liter jar, strain out the kefir grains and remove the lemon & dried fruit (the dried fruit can be used 2 more times for the next batch). Fill the jar 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the top. Then cover with a plastic/glass lid and leave to ferment outside for another 12-24 hours. Your kefir will start to bubble; when this happens, it's time to put it in the fridge. As soon as bubbling starts again, the kefir is ready to serve. Open carefully over the sink as the liquid is under pressure and if you unseal the jar the water could fizz and foam. Strain the fruit and fill the drink into glasses and garnish with fresh mint. When serving, I like to add frozen raspberries (or any other type of fruit of your choice) to each glass. The kefir grains that you strained earlier are now washed with water so you can reuse them. Or, meanwhile, store them in a small container in the fridge, cover with water and add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar. Once these have cooled, you should "feed" them sugar & water at least once a week to keep them healthy and alive. They are actually happiest making water kefir. In the warmer months I do 1-2 pots a week and in the cold season I let them rest.

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